Geochemical Perspectives Letters

Geochemical Perspectives Letters is an internationally peer-reviewed journal started in 2015 that publishes short, highest-quality articles spanning geochemical sciences. The journal aims at rapid publication of the most novel research in geochemistry with a focus on outstanding quality, international importance, originality, and stimulating new developments across the vast array of geochemical disciplines.

Geochemical Perspectives Letters is an open access community journal, entirely published by the European Association of Geochemistry for the geochemical community, and there are no article processing charges (it is free to publish).

Articles of Geochemical Perspectives Letters are published online as soon as accepted and typeset, then summarized into volumes. Each volume is made up of 10 articles. Articles are included in the EAG Newsletter sent to over 15,000 geochemists, who are EAG members and attendees of the Goldschmidt conferences.

Articles should not exceed 3000 words (including abstract, article and figure captions) and contain maximum 4 figures/tables. Supplementary data can also be included. See Information for Authors for additional information.