Short Course and Conference Sponsorship Program

The EAG Short Course and Conference Sponsorship Program is open to EAG members who are organizing a short course or small conference in Europe focused on special topics or techniques from the broad field of geochemistry. The program aims to directly support student attendance at the event.
The EAG provides a budget of 3,000 Euros for this program. One or several events may be sponsored each year.

In 2024, the EAG is proud to be co-sponsoring:

    Granulite & Granulites 2024

Verbania, Italy, 3–6 September 2024

Dates and deadlines:
Registration: 15 May reduced rates for students and early postdoctoral scientists available
Abstract submission: 31 May

5th SerpentineDays 2024

Granada, Spain, 23–25 September 2024

Dates and deadlines:
Pre-inscription: 15 February
Registration: 1 April

Free registration is available for 3 students (undergraduate, PhD). More information in the pre-inscription form on the website.

iGEO2024 Early Career Research Symposium

Galway, Ireland, 25–28 October 2024

More information coming soon!

Apply for sponsorship

If you are an EAG member and are organizing a short course or small conference in Europe in 2024, you can apply for EAG sponsorship. Short courses or small conferences should have at least 10 participants and focus on special topics or techniques from the broad field of geochemistry. The short courses or small conferences should be based in Europe. The event can be organized in conjunction with a Goldschmidt conference in Europe. Please note we will not prioritize EU or national funded events.

Following the short course or small conference, sponsored students may be requested to produce a one-page report on their experience. Some of those reports will be published on the EAG Blog.

For events taking place in 2025, the application deadline is 1 November 2024.

Applications for online as well as hybrid and in-person events will be considered.

Former sponsored short courses and conferences