September 2024

Goldschmidt Conferences

Goldschmidt TV brought news and perspectives from the 2024 conference, including brief interviews from plenary speakers and society leaders.

Watch here

Society News

Nominations for 2025 Awards Now Open

Recognizing deserving scientists is at the core of EAG's mission. The EAG Award Nomination Committee is currently working hard to identify potential candidates and nominators, but we need the help of all the community to create a diverse pool of candidates.

Nomination deadlines for:
EAG-GS Geochemistry Fellows: 31 October
EAG Urey, Science Innovation & Houtermans Awards: 15 November

Make a 

EAG Annual General Meeting on 3 October

All EAG members are invited to join the Annual General Meeting on Thursday 3 October on Zoom at 16:00 CET (Paris) / 15:00 London / 10:00 New York / 07:00 Los Angeles / 19:30 Mumbai / 22:00 Beijing / 23:00 Tokyo.

An invitation was sent to EAG members on 13 September. If you haven't received it, please check your spam folder, then contact us.

About EAG

EAG Reactions on Critical Mineral Resources - register now!

EAG Reactions is a series of online webinars coupled with engaging round table discussions, designed to foster robust connections between diverse scientific communities.

In this next Reactions on Wednesday 6 November at 16:00 CET, Blandine Gourcel from the French Geological Survey (BRGM) and Tânia Martins from the Manitoba Geological Survey in Canada will share insights from their work in academia and governmental institutions on Critical Mineral Resources. Their presentations will cover research, inventory and exploration of CMR. Following the talks, participants will engage in informal discussions on crucial topics such as securing stable supply chains, the importance of critical minerals in advanced technologies/renewable energy, and the role of geochemistry in critical mineral exploration. Registration is free and open to all!

Find out more
and register

EAGE-EAG webinar 'Targeting and Predicting key resources of the Energy Transition'

On Thursday 26 September at 16:00 CET, with top-class speakers Olivier Sissmann and Adriana Traby (IFPEN), attendees will explore the surface detection methods used to locate H2 seeps, and analyse the potential of basin modelling to test scenarios and improve the knowledge on the generation and migration of Hydrogen, Helium, and Lithium-rich brines. 

Register here

Organising a short course or conference in Europe in 2025? Apply for EAG Sponsorship by 1 November

The EAG Short Course and Conference Sponsorship Program is open to EAG members organizing a short course or small conference in Europe focused on special topics or techniques from the broad field of geochemistry. The program aims to directly support student attendance at the event.

For events taking place in 2025, the application deadline is 1 November 2024.

Applications for online as well as hybrid and in-person events will be considered.

More info 
and apply

EAG Early Career Science Ambassadors deadline 1 October

The Early Career Science Ambassador Program provides funding for young scientists based in Europe who wish to attend conferences outside Europe, or to attend a fully virtual or hybrid conference remotely. Supported scientists attending in person will have 50% of their expenses covered by EAG, up to €1500. 

Next application deadline: 1 October

Find out more

New Open Access Journal AGC is recruiting editorial board members

Advances in Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry (AGC), an upcoming community-led diamond open access journal, seeks to recruit members of the Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry community to take on the role of handling editors and copyeditors. Handling Editors will be in charge of guiding submitted manuscripts through peer review process whereas Copyeditors will be responsible for transforming accepted manuscripts into ready-to-publish articles.

More information about the journal, including policies, guide for authors and submission templates, can be found on our website. To consult the application form, please follow the links above. Recruitment call will remain open until positions are filled. Any questions regarding this recruitment round should be addressed to:

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Elements Thematic Proposal Deadline Extended

Elements: An International Magazine for Geochemistry, Mineralogy, and Petrology is soliciting thematic proposals for its 2026 publication lineup.

Owing to the close timing with Goldschmidt2024 and EMC2024, the next proposal submission deadline has been extended to September 25, 2024.

Submission guidelines and a proposal template can be found at the below link, if you have questions or are seeking feedback on a draft proposal please contact:


EAG Blogosphere

EAG Early Career Science Ambassador crosses continents to attend the GRC on Rock Deformation

[by Vénice Akker] EAG early Career Science Ambassador reports back from the Gordon Research Conference on Rock Deformation held in Maine in the USA...

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EAG Sponsored Student Zhengzheng Chen reports back from EMC24

[by Zhengzheng Chen] EAG Sponsored Student reports back from the European Mineralogy Conference held at Trinity College, Dublin Ireland, read more about her experiences of presenting her PhD research...

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Important Dates and Deadlines

EAG and Goldschmidt deadlines

1 October: EAG Early Career Science Ambassador Program application deadline

15 October: Goldschmidt2025 session and workshop proposals submission deadline

31 October: EAG-GS Geochemistry Fellows nomination deadline

1 November: EAG Short Course & Conference Sponsorship Program application deadline

15 November: EAG Urey, Science Innovation, Houtermans Awards nomination deadline

View deadlines

Other geochemistry related events

6 November: AGU24 early registration deadline

15 November: IAVCEI2025 Scientific Assembly grant submissions

Ongoing: Serpentine Days webinars

Ongoing Weekly: Pal(a)eo PERCS

Ongoing: Climate Now - Live conversations with climate experts

View all events

New in Geochemical Perspectives Letters

Refining Hf crust formation ages in Precambrian terranes

The mechanisms and timing of long term chemical differentiation of the Earth are fundamental questions in the geosciences. We present detrital zircon U-Pb, O and Hf isotope data from Fennoscandia to assess how...

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Molecular biosignatures in planetary analogue salts: implications for transport of organics in sulfate-rich brines beyond Earth

Salts formed during evaporation or freezing of brines can potentially incorporate organic matter that can inform about past biological activity. We analysed the lipid fraction preserved within the contemporary Lost...

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Ocean mixing timescale through time and implications for the origin of iron formations

Our study examines whether the ocean mixing timescale has remained constant throughout Earth’s history. If varied, it could have affected the distribution of geochemical tracers in ancient seawater, complicating...

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Copper isotope fractionation during asteroid core solidification

Moderately volatile elements (MVE) and their isotopic compositions are powerful tools to understand the origin of volatiles on terrestrial planets, including Earth. The 65Cu/63Cu ratio of Cu, one of the MVEs, has been found...

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Geochemistry Making the News

The Moon had surprisingly recent volcanic activity, samples from Chinese space mission confirm

[theconversation] Volcanoes were erupting on the Moon as recently as 120 million years ago, evidence collected by a Chinese spacecraft suggests. Until the last few years, scientists had thought volcanic activity ended on the Moon around 2 Ga...

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Land-sea 'tag-team' devastated ocean life millions of years ago, reveal scientists

[] Scientists have revealed how a "tag-team" between the oceans and continents millions of years ago devastated marine life—and altered the course of evolution on Earth. Their study has unearthed a new explanation for a string of severe...

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Mega El Niños may have played a part in the Permian mass extinction

[New Scientist] The Great Dying at the end of the Permian Period 250 million years ago may have been amplified by El Niño events far stronger and longer lasting than any today. These mega El Niños caused wild swings in the climate that...

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The Chicxulub Impactor was a Carbonaceous-type Asteroid from beyond Jupiter

[] Scientists have pinpointed the origin and composition of the asteroid that caused the mass extinction 66 million years ago, revealing it was a rare carbonaceous asteroid from beyond Jupiter, according to a new study. The findings...

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Geochemistry study links ancient anorthosites to early Earth's hot subduction

[] A team of researchers has made strides in understanding the formation of massif-type anorthosites, enigmatic rocks that only formed during the middle part of Earth's history. These plagioclase-rich igneous rock formations...

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Share your research! To include a press release on your recent research in the EAG Newsletter, please complete the form here.

Job Opportunities

Internships, MSc and PhD positions

PositionEmployerApplication deadline
Type: PhD Position
PhD in Archaeometry - Geochemistry: Ancient pigment production and trade
Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria
18 October 2024 or position open until filled
Type: PhD Position
Water-Rock-Microbiology interaction during Subsurface Hydrogen Storage
GNS Science and University of Canterbury, New Zealand
15 September 2024 or position open until filled
Type: PhD Position
PhD position in Planetary Atmospheres at ETH Zürich
ETH Zürich, Switzerland
23 September 2024
Type: PhD Position
PhD positions in Solar System Science in Göttingen
Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Germany
01 October 2024
Type: PhD Position
PhD in Carbon biogeochemistry
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Position open until filled
Type: PhD Position
Tracking temporal variations in the Hamersley Group Banded Iron Formations insights from radiogenic and stable isotope compositions.
James Cook University, Australia
31 August 2024 or position open until filled
Type: PhD Position
PhD position in environmental biogeochemistry: Exploring the environmental fate of emerging metal(loid)s in lake ecosystems of mine-impacted regions in Eastern Canada
Geological Survey of Canada, Quebec, Canada
31 October 2024 or position open until filled
Type: PhD Position
PhD student position to study the soil microbiome
EPFL, Switzerland
Position open until filled

PostDoctoral positions and Fellowships

PositionEmployerApplication deadline
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Postdoctoral / Senior Researcher in Environmental Geochemistry
University of Freiburg, Germany
15 October 2024 or position open until filled
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Postdoctoral fellowship in cosmochemistry and planetary sciences
Globe Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
30 September 2024
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Postdoc in Archaeometry - Ancient pigment production and trade
Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria
18 October 2024 or position open until filled
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Geochronology & geochemistry of deep subduction zone rocks
LGL-TPE - ENS de Lyon - CNRS, France
01 November 2024 or position open until filled
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Post doctoral Position in sulfur isotope geo-biology
University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Position open until filled
Type: PostDoctoral Position
PostDoctoral position in electron microscopy of mineral-microbe interfaces (f_m_x)
Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ, Germany
30 September 2024 or position open until filled
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position in Experimental Petrology
Université Claude Bernard, Lyon 1, France, France
Position open until filled
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Petrology-Geochemistry @UCB-Lyon1, France
Université Claude Bernard, Lyon 1, France
Position open until filled
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Postdoctoral Position in Experimental Geochemistry
ENS Lyon, France
01 October 2024 or position open until filled

EAG Partners

Showcase your latest research at EAGE GET2024, 4-7 November, Rotterdam

EAGE’s 5th Global Energy Transition Conference & Exhibition (GET2024)  serves as a premier platform for geoscience and engineering professionals dedicated to advancing renewables, minerals, and decarbonization technologies. The conference will feature four specialized technical tracks: Offshore Wind Energy, Carbon Capture & Storage, Geothermal Energy, and Hydrogen & Energy Storage.

Learn More

IAVCEI 2025 Scientific Assembly: 29 June to 4 July, Geneva

The next IAVCEI Scientific Assembly will be held from 29 June to 4 July 2025 in Geneva, Switzerland. The theme of the conference will be: "The energies of magma: From volcanic eruptions and mineral resources to geothermal production and sustainability". 
Grant applications: 15 November
Abstract submission: 20 December
Early registration: 31 March 

More info

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