September 2023

Goldschmidt Conferences

Goldschmidt2024: Call for Sessions and Workshops Now Open

The Goldschmidt Conference science program is built from the ground up with contributions from scientists around the world. We invite the entire geochemistry community to submit suggestions for sessions and workshops to help form the program. The deadline for proposals is 31 October. Learn more


Watch the Goldschmidt2023 DEI Session on YouTube

The EAG is committed to enhancing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in Geochemistry. The Goldschmidt2023 Session (14e) ‘Initiatives to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in geochemistry’, was one of several DEI initiatives at this year’s conference. The recording of this session is now freely available to view via the Goldschmidt YouTube channel.

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Goldschmidt2023 Conference Report

Goldschmidt2023 is now past and we warmly thank everyone who participated and made the event such a success. 4505 delegates from 76 countries gathered for a fantastic week of geochemistry in Lyon and online. Highlights and all key figures can be found in the conference report.

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Goldschmidt2025 and 2026 Dates and Locations Announced

The European Association of Geochemistry and the Geochemical Society are excited to announce that:

  • the Goldschmidt2025 Conference will be held 6-11 July 2025 in Prague, the Czech Republic.
  • the Goldschmidt2026 Conference will be held 12-17 July 2026 in Montreal, Canada.

Society News

Nominations for 2024 Awards Now Open

Recognizing deserving scientists is at the core of EAG's mission. The EAG Award Nomination Committee is currently working hard to identify potential candidates and nominators, but we need the help of all the community to create a diverse pool of candidates.

Nomination deadline for Fellows: 31 October

Nomination deadline for Urey, Science Innovation and Houtermans Awards: 15 November

Make a 

New Diamond Open Access Journal seeks volunteers for Editorial Board

Advances in Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry, an upcoming community-led Diamond Open Access journal (free to publish and free to read) seeks to recruit members for its first editorial board. The current working group will consider applications for each role based on their particular fit with respect to experience, vision, commitment to journal development and open access. Details of the positions being advertised, along with expected time commitments and role descriptions and selection criteria can be found here.

Find out more
and apply

Organizing a short course or conference in Europe or online in 2024? Apply for EAG sponsorship by 1 November

The EAG Short Course and Conference Sponsorship Program is open to EAG members organizing a short course or small conference in Europe focused on special topics or techniques from the broad field of geochemistry. The program aims to directly support student attendance at the event.

For events taking place in 2024, the application deadline is 1 November 2023.

Applications for online as well as hybrid and in-person events will be considered.

More info and apply

EAG Early Career Science Ambassador Program: apply by 1 October

The Early Career Science Ambassador Program provides up to 1500€ (50% of total expenses) for early career scientists (final stages of PhD or up to 6 years post-PhD) based in Europe to attend conferences held outside Europe (except Goldschmidt). For online attendance, the award covers abstract and registration fees and the program is open to applicants based in any country for a conference held in any country.

Next application deadline: 1 October

Find out more
and apply

New Elements Issue: Olivine

To study the Earth and other planetary bodies, one has to understand the mineral olivine; when and where it forms, how it crystallizes and deforms, and how it responds to changing environmental conditions in the Earth’s interior, on the surface, and in space. This issue will take a look at olivine research from the atomic scale to the Solar System and beyond. Olivine plays a critical role for plate tectonics, magma transport from mantle sources to the surface, how the Solar System differentiated and evolved, and also for the efforts addressing climate change through carbon capture and storage...

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All EAG members have online access to current and past issues of Elements. Members who have selected to receive print copies of Elements, will shortly receive the latest issue by post (log into the EAG Membership Platform to verify your preferences and postal address).

EAG Blogosphere

Non-academic careers: Interview with Caroline Thaler, Climate tech project entrepreneur

[Interview by Thaïs Couasnon] What is your job? I am building a startup within Marble, a startup studio specialized in Climate tech. They are focused on developing technologies that capture greenhouse gases from the atmosphere...

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Important Dates and Deadlines

EAG and Goldschmidt deadlines

1 October: EAG Early Career Science Ambassador application deadline

31 October: Goldschmidt2024 Session and Workshop proposal submission deadline

31 October: EAG Fellows nomination deadline

1 November: EAG Short Course and Conference sponsorship program deadline

15 November: Nominations for the Urey, Science Innovation and Houtermans awards deadline

1 December: EAG Student Sponsorship application deadline

View deadlines

Other geochemistry related events

30 September: GeothermiX abstract deadline

30 September: M-Fed2023 registration deadline

6 October: Cities on Volcanoes 12 abstract deadline

2 November: AGU2023 Fall Meeting early registration dealine

Ongoing Weekly: Pal(a)eo PERCS

Ongoing Monthly: Serpentine Days

Ongoing: Climate Now - Live conversations with climate experts

Ongoing: Gneiss Chats - Free geoscience podcast series

View all events

New in Geochemical Perspectives Letters

Contrasting oxygen isotopes in garnet from diamondiferous and barren eclogitic parageneses

Eclogite is a minor mantle lithology, present in subducted slivers in cratonic roots. Mantle eclogites carry O and C isotopic signatures from surface organic and inorganic carbon and also are modified by reaction with fluids in...

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The direct observation and interpretation of gas hydrate decomposition with ocean depth

An exposed gas hydrate (EGH) evolutional model as a function of water depth was established by in situ EGHs ascent experiments in cold seep areas of Haima (1509 m, 2.88 °C and 15.22 MPa), Lingshui...

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Sorption model for yttrium in fluorapatite: Geochemical implications

Fluorapatite (FAp), which occurs in various geological settings, contains rare earth elements (REE) for which unveiling the crystal chemistry is a key geochemical issue, especially for unravelling the conditions of...

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Vivianite-parasymplesite solid solution: A sink for arsenic in ferruginous environments?

Vivianite, a hydrated ferrous phosphate [FeII3(PO4)2 · 8 H2O] that forms in oxygen-poor, but Fe2+ rich conditions is important in nutrient cycling in anoxic environments. In natural vivianites, isomorphic substitution...

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Geochemistry Making the News

Unlocking Earth’s Ancient Secrets: New Study Rewrites Our Understanding of Earth’s Deep Carbon and Chlorine Cycles

[by Macquarie University @Scitech Daily] New research reveals that Earth’s gradual cooling profoundly impacted the deep cycling of carbon and chlorine, altering their behavior from surface to interior. This shift in understanding influences our...

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Plate tectonics 4 billion years ago may have helped initiate life on Earth 

[by by Hannah Bird] The Earth's oldest surface layer forming continents, termed its crust, is approximately 4 billion years old and is comprised of 25–50km-thick volcanic rocks known as basalts. Originally, scientists thought that one complete lithospheric crust covered the entire planet...

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Webb discovers methane, carbon dioxide in atmosphere of K2-18 b 

[by NASA] Carbon-bearing molecules have been discovered in the atmosphere of the habitable zone exoplanet K2-18 b by an international team of astronomers using data from the NASA's James Webb Space Telescope...

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The Great Oxidation Event: Decoding Earth’s Ancient Atmospheric Mysteries

[by ESRF @Scitech Daily] Using synchrotron techniques, scientists have unveiled important information on The Great Oxidation Event by studying apatite inclusions in zircon crystals from old magmas with the ESRF – Extremely Brilliant Source...

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Researchers illuminate 'Snowball Earth' melting and early life evolution

[by Jiang Zhimo] A research team led by Prof. Shen Yan'an from the University of Science and Technology of China of the Chinese Academy of Sciences conducted a systematic study of the interglacial stratigraphy in South China by means of high-precision sulfur and mercury isotope analyses...

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Scientists probe the source of key hydrocarbons on Earth—and in space

[US Dept. of Energy] Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a type of organic molecule that carry fused rings made of the chemical benzene. Scientists believe that PAHs are responsible for chemical processes that...

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Share your research! To include a press release on your recent research in the EAG Newsletter, please complete the form here.

Job Opportunities

Internships, MSc and PhD positions

PositionEmployerApplication deadline
Type: PhD Position
PhD in mechanisms of mineral weathering
Institute of Geological Sciences, University of Bern, Switzerland
01 October 2023 or position open until filled
Type: PhD Position
Mechanisms of iron isotopic fractionation during pyrite biomineralization under controlled conditions: influence of metallic/metalloid trace elements
IMPMC Lab / CNRS, France
Position open until filled
Type: PhD Position
PhD Fellow in Environmental (Bio)Geochemistry / Mineralogy Reference Number 8243
German Research Centre for Geosciences, GFZ Potsdam, helmholtz Centre Potsdam, Germany
21 October 2023
Type: PhD Position
IMPRS PhD positions in Solar System Science
Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Göttingen, Germany
01 October 2023
Type: PhD Position
Condensation of elements in the conditions of underground nuclear explosions: experiments and numerical simulations
ENS Lyon, France
30 August 2023 or position open until filled

PostDoctoral positions and Fellowships

PositionEmployerApplication deadline
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Research Fellow in Volcanology
University of St Andrews, United Kingdom
30 September 2023
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Carnegie Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Earth and Planets Laboratory
Carnegie Institution for Science Earth and Planets Laboratory, United States
13 November 2023
Type: PostDoctoral Position
TCD - Postdoctoral Researcher (NUTRECS Project)
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Position open until filled
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Research Associate/Fellow in Igneous Petrology and Geochemistry
Curtin University, Australia
13 October 2023
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Post-doctoral Researcher in Detrital Zircon Geochronology
University of British Columbia, Canada
21 October 2023
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Volcanic Fluid Geochemistry
University of Oxford, United Kingdom
25 September 2023
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Post-doctoral research in isotope geochemistry/metallomics
Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France
30 September 2023
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Hg stable isotopes and speciation experimental methods to study biogeochemical pathways in aquatic environments
Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour and CNRS, Institute of Analytical Sciences and Physico-Chemistry for Materials and the Environment (IPREM - Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology Unit), France
22 September 2023
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Research Associate Sediment Biogeochemistry
Universität Hamburg, Germany
24 September 2023
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Position “PostDoc” (F/H) in the field of synchrotron-assisted investigations of microbial-mineral interactions
Center for Molecular Biophysics (CBM), France
28 September 2023 or position open until filled
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Research Fellow in thermodynamic modelling
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
02 October 2023 or position open until filled
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Postdoctoral Scientist Position in Biogeochemical Controls on Critical Element Behavior
Washington University in St. Louis, United States
15 September 2023 or position open until filled
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Postdoctoral Research Associate I
University of Arizona, United States
Position open until filled
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Postdoctoral Researcher
West Virginia University, United States
Position open until filled
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Research Associate (Post Doc) mineral-microbe interface reactions (f_m_x)
Helmholtz Centre Potsdam – GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Germany
12 September 2023 or position open until filled
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Positions “PostDoc” (F/H) in the field of electron microscopy- and synchrotron-assisted investigations of microbial-mineral interactions
The Center for Molecular Biophysics (CBM), Centre de Biophysique Moléculaire, CNRS - Orléans, France
26 August 2023 or position open until filled
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Postdoc in stable isotopes and reaction kinetics
Indiana Univ, United States
Position open until filled
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Post-doctoral Fellow in modelling the boundless carbon cycle, Dept. of Geography
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
31 December 2023 or position open until filled

Faculty, Technical and other positions

PositionEmployerApplication deadline
Type: Faculty
Tenure-track Assistant Professor Position in Planetary Science
Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences at Rice University, United States
01 November 2023
Type: Faculty
Canada Research Chair Tier 1 in Isotope Geochemistry and Geochronology
University of British Columbia, Canada
01 December 2023
Type: Academic
Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Solar System Geophysics & Atmospheres or Solid Earth Geology & Geophysics
California Institute of Technology, United States
Position open until filled
Type: Other
Executive Editor of Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
The Geochemical Society and the Meteoritical Society, United States
01 October 2023 or position open until filled
Type: Academic
Geosciences Research Division - Junior/Assistant/Associate/Full Specialist
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego, United States
31 December 2023

EAG Partners

Q14: "The Quaternary in all its states: land, sea, ice" Abstract Submission 15 October

The 14th International conference on the Quaternary will be held in Rennes from 26 February to 1 March, 2024 . It will be organized by the Research Center in Archaeology, Archaeosciences, History (CReAAH, UMR 6566) under the patronage of AFEQ-CNF INQUA. Aiming to bring together scientific communities working on the Quaternary, the “Q14” conference will be structured around nine sessions and a round table, which will highlight the variety of themes and research objectives of French Quaternarians.

Abstract Submission: 15 October
Registration: 15 January (early) 15 February (late)

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