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   November 2020

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Goldschmidt2021 Update

The Goldschmidt2021 Organizing Committee is closely monitoring the situation in Lyon (France) and continues to plan the conference to adapt to uncertain circumstances. Our aim is to create an engaging and successful event allowing wide participation while protecting the health and well-being of our delegates. We are committed to providing clarity on the format of the meeting before abstract submission opens. Therefore it has been decided to postpone the opening of abstract submission to 15 January 2021.

The list of sessions is currently being finalized and will be published in December as scheduled. We thank you for your patience and understanding, and hope you are all well and safe in these difficult times.

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Society News

2021 EAG council elections results

Following the council elections last month, EAG members have elected Susan Little (University College London) and Olivier Namur (University of Leuven) to join the Council in 2021.

We also announce that the EAG Council has elected Catherine Chauvel (IPGP) as the next Vice-President and Janne Koornneef (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) as the next Early Career Councillor; both will also start in 2021.

A warm welcome to all our new councillors!

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New EAG membership platform: a new forum is now available for members - start networking today!

We are excited to announce that EAG has a new membership and networking platform.

In addition to keeping membership records up to date, this new tool will allow current EAG members to view one another, post news on the newsfeed on the platform homepage, and communicate through a new forum with a wide range of categories in science, careers, tools and resources, community, and much more! Log in to the platform to start connecting with others now!

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Call for contributions for upcoming Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Twitter feed

The EAG Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Working Group will soon be launching its own Twitter feed, and are inviting contributions from the community. Various themes are listed here but all ideas for content are welcome! Please send your contributions to and/or get in touch to find out more!

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Call for volunteers for new EAG & EAGE group connecting industry and academia

The EAG and EAGE (European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers) are launching a new community group dedicated to all those exploring the multidisciplinary applications of geochemistry. The group aims to create connections between those working in the industry and those in academia, share knowledge and opportunities, and more. We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to take part in this collaborative project as committee members. Interested? Contact us at

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New online workshops

The Geochemical Society (GS) is offering several workshops in November and December to provide training and networking opportunities. These low-cost programs are open to everyone and GS, EAG, and MSA members receive a discount on the paid workshops. Participants from countries with low-income economies may apply for free registration.

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Picture a Scientist Screening

The GS has arranged a virtual screening of this important new film. The film will be available for a 72-hour window from 14 to 16 December. Participants may watch the film at their convenience during this time.

Watch the trailer here or register now!

Elements October issue: Noble Gas Thermochronology

Noble-gas thermochronology takes advantage of two properties: (1) the time-dependent production of noble gases, such as helium and argon, by processes like radioactive decay; (2) the thermally activated diffusion of these gases to constrain the temperature histories of several minerals commonly found in crustal rocks. Because temperature is essential to many geological processes, thermochronology has become widely used to address research questions across Earth and planetary science. These questions include when and how valleys are cut by glaciers; from where is sediment sourced; what thermal conditions occur on fault planes during slip; and how the surfaces of planetary bodies evolve on billion-year timescales.

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Current EAG members will soon receive their print copies of Elements. Members also have online access to the digital edition and to all back issues (user id = email address, password = EAG membership number).

Student sponsorship program (virtual events): next deadline 1 December

With nearly all upcoming conferences switching to virtual format, this year's program has been adapted to allow students to participate in virtual events hosted in any country. Successful applicants will receive sponsorship to cover the registration and abstract fees. Apply by 1 December.

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EAG Short Course and Conference Sponsorship: apply by 30 November

Providing access to training opportunities for students is a core mission of the EAG. The Short Course and Conference Sponsorship Program is open to EAG members organizing a short course or small conference in Europe focused on special topics or techniques from the broad field of geochemistry, and the program supports student attendance. For the 2021 program, applications for online as well as hybrid and in-person events will be considered. If you an EAG member organizing an event in 2021, submit your application by 30 November 2020.

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Important Dates and Deadlines

Goldschmidt2021 and EAG deadlines

30 November: EAG Short Course and Conference Sponsorship application deadline
1 December: EAG Student Sponsorship application deadline
1 March: EAG Early Career Science Ambassador application deadline
To be announced early January: Goldschmidt2021 Grant application deadline (submission not open yet)
To be announced early January: Goldschmidt2021 Abstract deadline (submission not open yet)

View Goldschmidt deadlines

Other geochemistry related event deadlines

10 December: Nordic Clay Meeting abstract deadline
13 January: EGU General Assembly 2021 abstract deadline

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Programs and bursaries deadlines

7 December: MSGBI Postgraduate Student Bursary application deadline
6 January: Europlanet 24 Transnational Access (TA) programme application deadline

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Upcoming online community events

17/24 November, 1/8 December: Pal(a)eo PERCS (weekly)
18/25 November, 2/9 December: Seds Online (regular)
18/25 November, 4/9 December: Ore Deposits Hub – Open Geoscience Talks (weekly)
20 November: Geochemical Society Online Workshop: Generating megapixel elemental images for biomedical and geological application using Vitesse TOF-ICP-MS (register by 17 November)
23-25 November: Geochemical Society Online Workshop: Thermodynamic Modeling of Magmatic Processes with alphaMELTS 2 - EAG members benefit from member rates
26 November: Geology for Renewable and Sustainable Energy
2-3 December: Geochemical Society Online Workshop: PTt trajectory of metamorphic processes from a combination of pseudosection calculations, nucleation and growth simulations, and diffusion modelling using different approaches - EAG members benefit from member rates
8-9 December: Geochemical Society Online Workshop: An introduction to thermodynamic modeling of fluid-rock interaction and ore-forming processes using the GEMS code package - EAG members benefit from member rates
14-16 December: Picture a Scientist Screening
18 December: Geochemical Society Online Workshop: Improving Workplace Climate: Responding to Harassment

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EAG Blogosphere

Writing for change

[By Amy Riches] “Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known” Carl Sagan (1934-1996), Astronomer and Science Communicator. We can ask of this quote, but by who? We may consider academia as a rousing type of workplace offering freedom to think and conduct research that can promise major new discoveries while educating and training the next generation of...

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How isotopes can help us understand Cape Town’s water crisis

[By Rosy Finlayson, Ayabonga Mtsotso and Nomvo Kasolo] The water crisis Cape Town experienced one of its worst droughts on record from 2015 to 2018, culminating in a threat to cut off municipal water supply to over 4 million people (nicknamed “Day-Zero”). To avoid this, the City of Cape Town (CoCT) implemented extreme water restrictions. This exacerbated unequal...

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New in Geochemical Perspectives Letters

Hydrothermal vents and organic ligands sustained the Precambrian copper budget   

The bioavailability of metals in the early ocean is a key parameter for understanding the evolution and expansion of Earth’s biosphere. Theoretical work suggested extremely low Zn and Cu levels in Precambrian seawater, but these predictions are not supported by recent geochemical data. One...

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Experimental evidence for light Ba isotopes favouring aqueous fluids over silicate melts

Barium (Ba) is a fluid mobile element and enriched in the Earth’s crust, which has potential implications for constraining fluid activities during magmatic-hydrothermal processes. However, the behaviour of Ba and its isotopes during fluid exsolution...

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Brucite formation and dissolution in oceanic serpentinite                        

Brucite is an important, albeit elusive, hydrous mineral formed during serpentinisation, a vector of Mg from the mantle to seawater, and possibly a significant host of water in oceanic serpentinite. However, the abundance of brucite has not...

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Activity coefficients of siderophile elements in Fe-Si liquids at high pressure        

Metallic core formation in differentiated bodies in the inner solar system can take place between low pressures (near 1 bar) to much higher pressures (up to 100 GPa). Most thermodynamic models of metal-silicate equilibria utilise activity...

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Geochemistry Making the News

Water On The Moon: NASA Confirms Water Molecules On Our Neighbor's Sunny Surface

[NPR] NASA has confirmed the presence of water on the moon's sunlit surface, a breakthrough that suggests the chemical compound that is vital to life on Earth could be distributed across more parts of the lunar surface than the ice that has previously been found in dark and cold areas. "We don't...

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Arctic methane deposits 'starting to release', scientists say

[The Guardian] Scientists say they have found evidence that frozen methane deposits in the Arctic Ocean have started to be released over a large area of the continental slope off the East Siberian coast, the Guardian can reveal. High levels of the potent greenhouse gas have been detected down...

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UK firm to turn moon rock into oxygen and building materials

[The Guardian] When astronauts return to the moon in the next decade, they will do more with the dust than leave footprints in it. A British firm has won a European Space Agency contract to develop the technology to turn moon dust and rocks into oxygen, leaving behind aluminium, iron and other...

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Martian dust storms parch the planet by driving water into space

[Science Magazine] Two years ago, Mars went undercover. Martian dust storms are common, but every decade or so, for reasons unknown, a monstrous one goes global, veiling the planet. The storms can be a mortal threat to exploration: The one in 2018 killed off NASA’s Opportunity rover...

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Eye of a skull reveals details of cometary materials

[Nature News and Views] Astronomers are often like the proverbial blind men touching an elephant: one holds the tusk and thinks it’s a bull; another grabs the tail and decides it’s a horse; and a third feels the trunk and says it’s a snake. Humans rarely get to touch anything in space — so far, only the...

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Fossil amphibian hints at earliest evidence of 'slingshot' tongue

[The Guardian] Scientists have uncovered the oldest evidence of a “slingshot” tongue, in fossils of 99m-year-old amphibians. The prehistoric armoured creatures, known as albanerpetontids, were sit-and-wait predators who snatched prey with a projectile firing of their “ballistic tongues”...

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Job Opportunities

Internships, MSc and PhD positions

PositionEmployerApplication deadline
Type: PhD Position
Two PhD positions in Hydrothermal Geochemistry of Rare Earth Elements
New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, USA
15 January or until position is filled

PostDoctoral positions and Fellowships

PositionEmployerApplication deadline
Type: Research Associate
Research Scientist in Hydrogeochemistry
University of Bern, Switzerland
30 November
Type: Postdoctoral Position
Reginald A. Daly Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
Harvard University, USA
1 January
Type: Postdoctoral Position
Postdoc in Aqueous Geochemistry
University of Minnesota, USA
Until position is filled
Type: Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral Scholar in aqueous geochemistry and reactive transport
University of Calgary, Canada
23 September or until position is filled

Faculty, Technical and other positions

PositionEmployerApplication deadline
Type: Faculty
Assistant Professor (tenure track) in biogeochemistry of terrestrial ecosystems and environmental change
Faculty of Geosciences and the Environment – UNIL, Switzerland
15 December
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