
Access Goldschmidt2024 science anytime, anywhere

With 14 themes spread over five days, the Goldschmidt science program offers the latest research in geochemistry, presented by scientists from around the globe. All talks and posters will be accessible in person or remotely. With remote attendance, you can listen to any talk at the conference and look at any poster — all at your convenience. The Goldschmidt hybrid format makes for a more inclusive conference, enabling a greater number of delegates to participate. In-person delegates can also watch the sessions they miss during the week.

Hybrid Format

EAG Reception at Goldschmidt2024

We would like to invite members of the EAG, as well as anyone interested in the society, to join us at the EAG Members Reception on Wednesday 21 August at 19:30 in Chicago. This is an opportunity to meet some of the EAG Councillors and staff, to share feedback, ideas or ask any questions you may have.

Find out more

Society News

Upcoming deadlines for EAG Student Sponsorship & Early Career Ambassadors 

The EAG Student Sponsorship Program supports onsite participation at events held in Europe, or online participation at events held elsewhere. Successful applicants will receive sponsorship of up to €1000 to cover registration, abstract fees, and travel expenses where applicable. Applicants may be based in any country. Next application deadline: 1 September

The Early Career Science Ambassador Program provides funding for young scientists based in Europe who wish to attend conferences outside Europe, or to attend a fully virtual or hybrid conference remotely. Supported scientists attending in person will have 50% of their expenses covered by EAG, up to  €1500. Next application deadline: 1 October

Find out more

EAG Blogosphere

[DEI committee] People’s Profiles – Sumith Abeykoon is an early career scientist specializing in experimental petrology and volcanology. Holding a Ph.D. in experimental petrology, his research focuses on the processes occurring within Earth’s...

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Important Dates and Deadlines

EAG and Goldschmidt deadlines

18 July: Goldschmidt2024 University or hotel accommodation booking deadlines

24 July: Goldschmidt2024 Remote poster presenters pdf upload deadline

7 August: Goldschmidt2024 In-person poster presenters pdf upload deadline

1 September: EAG Student Sponsorship program

1 October: EAG Early Career Science Ambassador program

View deadlines

Other geochemistry related events

31 July: AGU abstract submission deadline

26 August: SGI-SIMP Joint Congress online registration deadline 

Ongoing: Serpentine Days webinars

Ongoing Weekly: Pal(a)eo PERCS

Ongoing: Climate Now - Live conversations with climate experts

View all events

New in Geochemical Perspectives Letters

Barium isotope evidence for a magmatic fluid-dominated petrogenesis of LCT-type pegmatites

Understanding the petrogenesis of granitic pegmatites associated with Li mineralisation is fundamental in constraining rare metal enrichment mechanisms. However, there is still significant controversy surrounding...

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Subduction of sedimentary carbonate in the Mariana trench

Calcium carbonate is a major component of shallow marine sediments but is rarely preserved in deep sea environments below the calcite compensation depth (CCD). In this study, we present evidence of sedimentary...

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Chondritic osmium isotope composition of early Earth mantle

The Ujaragssuit Intrusion, North Atlantic Craton (NAC), Greenland, is thought to host the oldest chromitites (>3.8 Ga) on Earth, showing evidence of both Hadean mantle depletion events and nucleosynthetic...

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Spicule morphology impacts stable silicon isotopic composition of sponge archives

The stable silicon isotopic composition of siliceous sponge skeletal elements, spicules, forms a potential proxy for past dissolved silicon (DSi) concentrations of bottomwaters. Field-based studies have shown that there is...

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Geochemistry Making the News

Surprising asteroid sample reveals Bennu may have originated from an ocean world

[CNN] An early analysis of a sample collected from the asteroid Bennu suggests that the space rock had an unexpectedly water-rich past — and it may have even splintered off from an ancient ocean world. The NASA OSIRIS-REx mission scooped up...

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Incredible Hydrothermal Environment Discovered Deep Beneath the Ocean

[] A stunning new wonderland has been discovered, hidden deep beneath the ocean waves of the Arctic Circle. Off the coast of Svalbard, in Norway, more than 3,000 meters (9,842 feet) down, a field of hydrothermal vents unfolds...

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Researchers look to Caribbean volcano for geothermal energy and critical metals

[Independent] Researchers in the UK are looking to a Caribbean volcano to provide answers about where metals vital for batteries and electric cars can be found, and how power can be generated from its heat. Volcanoes around the world emit...

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The World’s Oldest Crystals Contain Traces Of Even Older Sediments

[] Within the oldest crystals in the world, collected from Western Australia’s Jack Hills, lie the remnants of even older rocks – some of which were reprocessed through magma into the surviving crystals. With the help of machine learning...

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China’s Chang’e-6 moon mission returns to Earth with historic far side samples

[CNN] China’s Chang’e-6 lunar module returned to Earth Tuesday, successfully completing its historic mission to collect the first ever samples from the far side of the moon in a major step forward for the country’s ambitious space program...

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Study finds Arctic warming three-fold compared to global patterns

[] Global warming is an omnipresent issue, with widespread initiatives to draw down emissions and mitigate against the International Panel on Climate Change's worse-case scenario predictions of 3.2°C of warming by 2100...

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Share your research! To include a press release on your recent research in the EAG Newsletter, please complete the form here.

Job Opportunities

Internships, MSc and PhD positions

PositionEmployerApplication deadline
Type: PhD Position
PhD student position to study the soil microbiome
EPFL, Switzerland
Position open until filled
Type: PhD Position
PhD student position to study microbial arsenic methylation
EPFL, Switzerland
Position open until filled
Type: PhD Position
PhD position in Mineralogy: Hydrous species in Meteorites
University of Innsbruck, Austria
12 August 2024
Type: PhD Position
PhD position in experimental petrology
Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
Position open until filled
Type: PhD Position
Funded PhD in igneous petrology and geochemistry
Curtin University, Australia
31 August 2024
Type: PhD Position
Multiple PhD positions
McMaster University, Canada
Position open until filled
Type: PhD Position
Understanding matte and metallic melt mobility in mineralogically complex planetary interiors and their role in elemental cycling
Ruhr-University Bochum, Institute for Geology, Mineralogy and Geophysics, Germany
24 June 2024 or position open until filled
Type: PhD Position
Turning slags from fossil free steelmaking into circular building materials : PhD1 - modelling and measuring slag reactivity in aqueous systems
Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Position open until filled
Type: PhD Position
The effect of seasonal oxygen fluctuations on aquatic microbiomes
University of Vienna, Austria
15 May 2024 or position open until filled
Type: PhD Position
PhD in cosmochemistry (Nitrogen-noble gas analyses of meteorites)
CNRS - CRPG,, France
13 May 2024 or position open until filled
Type: PhD Position
PhD postions on Sedimentation, Environment, Reactions and Seafloor Fluxes in a Rapidly Warming Sea
University of Haifa, Israel
27 June 2024 or position open until filled
Type: PhD Position
Physicochemical fingerprints and quantification of microbially-mediated mineral weathering
CNRS - ISTerre, France
30 May 2024 or position open until filled

PostDoctoral positions and Fellowships

PositionEmployerApplication deadline
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Uranium Geochemistry Postdoctoral Research Fellow
STARLAB - Central Michigan University, United States
Position open until filled
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Postdoc in Microbiology / Geomicrobiology 2 years.
University of Copenhagen, Globe Institute, Denmark
23 August 2024
Type: PostDoctoral Position
2 year postdoc - trace metal isotopes in anoxic lakes
Eawag, Switzerland
15 July 2024 or position open until filled
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Post-Docs, UW-Madison, Crust Evolution
Dept. of Geoscience, Univ. of Wisconsin, United States
26 August 2024
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Research Fellow (2+ years) on critical metal tin-lithium granites
University of St Andrews, United Kingdom
27 July 2024
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
University of St Andrews, United Kingdom
Position open until filled
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Two-year Postdoc in Atmosphere Microbial Habitability Modelling
Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography, France
10 May 2024 or position open until filled

Faculty, Technical and other positions

PositionEmployerApplication deadline
Type: Academic
Full Professor of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry
University of Vienna, Austria
18 September 2024
Type: Faculty
Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Low Temperature Geochemistry
University of Ottawa, Canada
04 August 2024
Type: Other
Permanent Research Staff in Scanning Electron Microscopy
Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ, Germany
02 July 2024 or position open until filled
Type: Faculty
Tier II Canada Research Chair in Critical Metal Systems
Lakehead University, Canada
08 July 2024 or position open until filled
Type: Other
Auxiliary Contract Staff Position - Particle Accelerator
European Commission - Joint Research Centre - Directorate G – Nuclear Safety and Security - Unit G.II.5 – Nuclear Data and Measurement Standards, Belgium
16 September 2024

EAG Partners

SGI-SIMP Joint Congress: Online Registration Deadline 26 August 

The Italian Geological Society (SGI) and the Italian Society of Mineralogy and Petrology (SIMP) invite you to the joint Congress entitled "Geology for sustainable management of our planet" which will take place at the Bari University Campus from 3 - 5 September 2024.

Online registration deadline: 26 August

More info

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