Derek Vance's term as President came to an end in December (read a Q&A with Derek on the EAG Blogosphere here), and Catherine Chauvel has now started her two-year term as EAG President.
In December, the EAG council elected Dan Frost to serve as Vice-President, and Martin Whitehouse and Karen Hudson-Edwards as co-chairs for the Goldschmidt2025 Organizing and Science Committees. We also welcome Raúl Fonseca and Silke Merchel, who were elected by EAG members in the council elections last autumn.
We take this opportunity to thank departing Past-President Sigurður Gíslason, and councillors Lena Alakangas, Nadia Malaspina and Jill Sutton, for their important contributions to the EAG during their time on the council.