
Meet the EAG at Goldschmidt2024

Goldschmidt2024 is in full swing! If you are attending in person, do visit us at the GS/EAG lounge  to find out about our activities and pick up some goodies.

Delegates are also warmly invited to attend the EAG Members Reception in the Joliet Room this evening at 7:30 pm. For delegates participating remotely, connect with us any time during the conference via the conference website or app!


Society News

Upcoming deadlines: EAG Student Sponsorship & Early Career Science Ambassadors 

The EAG Student Sponsorship Program supports onsite participation at events held in Europe, or online participation at events held elsewhere. Successful applicants will receive sponsorship of up to €1000 to cover registration, abstract fees, and travel expenses where applicable. Applicants may be based in any country. Next application deadline: 1 September

The Early Career Science Ambassador Program provides funding for young scientists based in Europe who wish to attend conferences outside Europe, or to attend a fully virtual or hybrid conference remotely. Supported scientists attending in person will have 50% of their expenses covered by EAG, up to €1500. Next application deadline: 1 October

Find out more

Rodney Ewing (1946-2024)

We were all very saddened to learn of the passing of Rodney Ewing, a founding editor of EAG journal Geochemical Perspectives Letters and GS-EAG Geochemistry Fellow. Read an obituary for Rodney Ewing from Stanford University news at the link below.


Latest Elements: 'The Invisible Ocean: Hydrogen in the Deep Earth'

Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe and its distribution, transfer, and speciation in the deep Earth remain a fascinating topic of ongoing research. We review the most notable discoveries constraining the H cycle in the deep Earth. This includes new methods for detecting hydrogen, insights into the size of deep reservoirs, and new constraints from inclusions in ultradeep diamonds. Advances in seismic and magneto- telluric imaging provide unique data on the storage and mobility of water in Earth´s interior. Models...

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All EAG members have online access to current and past issues of Elements. Members who have selected to receive print copies of Elements, will shortly receive the latest issue by post.

Elements Thematic Proposal Deadline Extended

Elements: An International Magazine for Geochemistry, Mineralogy, and Petrology is soliciting thematic proposals for its 2026 publication lineup.

Owing to the close timing with Goldschmidt2024 and EMC2024, the next proposal submission deadline has been extended to September 25, 2024.

Submission guidelines and a proposal template can be found at the below link, if you have questions or are seeking feedback on a draft proposal please contact:


EAG Blogosphere

Exploring Ocean Biogeochemical Dynamics

[by Samuel Hermant]  In June, PhD student Samuel Hermant travelled from Belgium to Sweden to take part in the ‘Ocean Biogeochemical Dynamics‘ PhD course. Read on to hear about his experiences...

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Go Big! Large-Scale Facilities for Geochemical Research

[Silke Merchel, EAG Communications Committee] Where do you go to get excellent data for your geochemical research, outside of your home institution? I have been addicted to “big machines” such as particle accelerators, neutron sources and synchrotron facilities...


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Go Big! VERA: the Vienna Environmental Research Accelerator

[Silke Merchel, VERA] In this contribution to the “Go Big! Large-Scale Facilities” series, VERA – the Vienna Environmental Research Accelerator – talk to us about Accelerator Mass Spectrometry and how researchers from elsewhere can make use of their facility in Austria.

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Go Big! The Excite network

[Hannah Vogel, Excite Network] In this contribution to the “Go Big!" blog series on large-scale facilities, the EXCITE Network, an EU-funded research infrastructure, tells us about how you can access a network of electron and X-ray microscopy imaging facilities around the world.

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Important Dates and Deadlines

EAG and Goldschmidt deadlines

1 September: EAG Student Sponsorship Program application deadline

1 October: EAG Early Career Science Ambassador Program application deadline

1 November: EAG Short Course & Conference Sponsorship Program application deadline

View deadlines

Other geochemistry related events

26 August: SGI-SIMP Joint Congress online registration deadline 

4 September: GSA Connects 2024 regular registration deadline

6 November: AGU24 early registration deadline

Ongoing: Serpentine Days webinars

Ongoing Weekly: Pal(a)eo PERCS

Ongoing: Climate Now - Live conversations with climate experts

View all events

New in Geochemical Perspectives Letters

Copper isotope fractionation during asteroid core solidification

Moderately volatile elements (MVE) and their isotopic compositions are powerful tools to understand the origin of volatiles on terrestrial planets, including Earth. The 65Cu/63Cu ratio of Cu, one of the MVEs, has been found...

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Dissecting the complex Ne-Ar-N signature of asteroid Ryugu by step-heating analysis

Samples returned from the carbonaceous asteroid (162173) Ryugu show mineralogical, chemical, and isotopic similarities with Ivuna-type (CI) carbonaceous chondrites, which likely contributed to Earth’s volatile inventory...

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Correcting for vital effects in coral carbonate using triple oxygen isotopes

Carbonate oxygen isotopes (18O/16O) are a valuable tool for estimating palaeotemperatures, but their accuracy can be limited by so called vital effects that influence the isotope composition of biomineralised...

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In situ determination of NaCl-H2O isochores up to 900 °C and 1.2 GPa in a hydrothermal diamond-anvil cell

NaCl-H2O is a typical binary system solution in geologic environments. However, its available PVTX properties (e.g., isochores) are primarily applicable in the pressure-temperature (P−T) range of <600 MPa and <700 °C. Here...

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Solubility of calcium carbonate hemihydrate (CCHH): Where does CCHH occur?

Recently, calcium carbonate hemihydrate (CCHH, CaCO3·1/2H2O) was discovered in a laboratory synthesis experiment. Because CCHH can form from aqueous solutions comprising ubiquitous components under...

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Australasian microtektites: early target-projectile interaction in large impacts on Earth

Microtektites are microscopic impact glass spherules produced by the melting and vapourisation of the Earth’s crust upon hypervelocity impact of large asteroidal/cometary bodies. They are distal...

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Geochemistry Making the News

Is carbon capture an efficient way to tackle CO2?

[BBC] It could be a scene from science fiction. Towering over dark, mossy lava fields are stacks of noisy machines the size of shipping containers, domes, and zig-zagging silver pipes. Found 30km southwest of Iceland’s capital Reykjavik, this is the...

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Scientists discover ‘dark’ oxygen being produced more than 13,000 feet below the ocean surface

[CNN] A mysterious phenomenon first observed in 2013 aboard a vessel in a remote part of the Pacific Ocean appeared so preposterous, it convinced ocean scientist Andrew Sweetman that his monitoring equipment was faulty. Sensor...

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Retreating Andean rocks signal the world's glaciers are melting far faster than predicted, report scientists

[] Rocks recently exposed to the sky after being covered with prehistoric ice show that tropical glaciers have shrunk to their smallest size in more than 11,700 years, revealing the tropics have already warmed past limits last...

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Complex life on Earth may be much older than thought

[BBC] A group of scientists say they have found new evidence to back up their theory that complex life on Earth may have begun 1.5 billion years earlier than thought. The team, working in Gabon, say they discovered evidence deep within rocks...

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Constructor University researchers show impact of COVID-19 and climate change on drinking water quality in Berlin [Press Release]

[Constructor University, Informationsdienst Wissenschaft] A research team from Constructor University, led by geochemist and geoscientist Prof. Dr. Michael Bau, and including his former students Lea Krohn, Franziska Klimpel and Pauline Béziat...

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New perspectives for using corals in climate research [Press Release] 
Research published in Geochemical Perspectives Letters

[University of Göttingen, EurekAlert] Measuring temperatures from Earth’s past is important for understanding the development of its climate. Ancient ocean temperatures are most commonly reconstructed by analysing the ratio of...

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Astronomical First: JWST Has Discovered Carbon Ices in the Far Reaches of the Solar System

[SciTechDaily] A research team led by UCF discovered a significant presence of ancient carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide ices on trans-Neptunian objects, indicating that carbon dioxide may have been present during the...

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Meteorite impacts produce most of moon’s thin atmosphere, study reveals

[The Guardian] Scientists find impact vaporisation responsible for about 70% and a process known as solar wind sputtering 30%. The mystery of how the moon’s thin atmosphere is produced has been solved, according to scientists studying...

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Chang'e-5 Mission Discovers Significant Water-Rich Mineral in Moon Soil 

[sciencealert] There's water on the Moon, and scientists have just confirmed where a lot of it may be hiding. A mineral in Moon dust collected by China's Chang'e-5 lander and ferried to Earth was recently found to contain so much water, up to 41 wt. %...

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Share your research! To include a press release on your recent research in the EAG Newsletter, please complete the form here.

Job Opportunities

Internships, MSc and PhD positions

PositionEmployerApplication deadline
Type: PhD Position
PhD positions in Solar System Science in Göttingen
Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Germany
01 October 2024
Type: PhD Position
PhD in Earth Sciences at Khalifa University of Science and Technology, Dept. of Earth Sciences
Department of Earth Science, Khalifa University of Science and Technology, United Arab Emirates
02 September 2024
Type: PhD Position
PhD in Carbon biogeochemistry
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Position open until filled
Type: PhD Position
Tracking temporal variations in the Hamersley Group Banded Iron Formations insights from radiogenic and stable isotope compositions.
James Cook University, Australia
31 August 2024 or position open until filled
Type: PhD Position
Nanocharacterization of volatiles in Extraterrestrial Materials
Groupe de Physique des Matériaux (GPM) in Rouen, France; Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (IMPMC-MNHN), Paris, France, France
August or position open until filled
Type: PhD Position
PhD position in environmental biogeochemistry: Exploring the environmental fate of emerging metal(loid)s in lake ecosystems of mine-impacted regions in Eastern Canada
Geological Survey of Canada, Quebec, Canada
31 October 2024 or position open until filled
Type: PhD Position
PhD Opportunity at University of Waterloo, Canada
University of Waterloo, Canada
Position open until filled
Type: PhD Position
PhD student position to study the soil microbiome
EPFL, Switzerland
Position open until filled
Type: PhD Position
Funded PhD in igneous petrology and geochemistry
Curtin University, Australia
31 August 2024
Type: PhD Position
Understanding matte and metallic melt mobility in mineralogically complex planetary interiors and their role in elemental cycling
Ruhr-University Bochum, Institute for Geology, Mineralogy and Geophysics, Germany
24 June 2024 or position open until filled
Type: PhD Position
PhD postions on Sedimentation, Environment, Reactions and Seafloor Fluxes in a Rapidly Warming Sea
University of Haifa, Israel
27 June 2024 or position open until filled

PostDoctoral positions and Fellowships

PositionEmployerApplication deadline
Type: PostDoctoral Position
PostDoctoral position in electron microscopy of mineral-microbe interfaces (f_m_x)
Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ, Germany
30 September 2024 or position open until filled
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position in Experimental Petrology
Université Claude Bernard, Lyon 1, France, France
Position open until filled
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Petrology-Geochemistry @UCB-Lyon1, France
Université Claude Bernard, Lyon 1, France
Position open until filled
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Postdoc in Molecular Geobiology at Globe Institute
University of Copenhagen, Globe Institute, Denmark
25 August 2024
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Postdoc position in arsenic geochemistry and release into surface waters
Eawag - Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, Switzerland
05 August 2024 or position open until filled
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Postdoctoral Position in Experimental Geochemistry
ENS Lyon, France
01 October 2024 or position open until filled
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Uranium Geochemistry Postdoctoral Research Fellow
STARLAB - Central Michigan University, United States
Position open until filled
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Postdoc in Microbiology / Geomicrobiology 2 years.
University of Copenhagen, Globe Institute, Denmark
23 August 2024
Type: PostDoctoral Position
2 year postdoc - trace metal isotopes in anoxic lakes
Eawag, Switzerland
15 July 2024 or position open until filled
Type: PostDoctoral Position
Post-Docs, UW-Madison, Crust Evolution
Dept. of Geoscience, Univ. of Wisconsin, United States
23 September 2024

EAG Partners

SGI-SIMP Joint Congress: Online Registration Deadline 26 August 

The Italian Geological Society (SGI) and the Italian Society of Mineralogy and Petrology (SIMP) invite you to the joint Congress entitled "Geology for sustainable management of our planet" which will take place at the Bari University Campus from 3 - 5 September 2024.

Online registration deadline: 26 August

More info

Showcase your latest research at EAGE GET2024

EAGE’s 5th Global Energy Transition Conference & Exhibition (GET2024)  serves as a premier platform for geoscience and engineering professionals dedicated to advancing renewables, minerals, and decarbonization technologies. The conference will feature four specialized technical tracks: Offshore Wind Energy, Carbon Capture & Storage, Geothermal Energy, and Hydrogen & Energy Storage. Deadlines:

Early registration: 1 September
Late-breaking poster abstracts: 15 September

Learn More

IAVCEI 2025 Scientific Assembly: 29 June to 4 July

The next IAVCEI Scientific Assembly will be held from 29 June to 4 July 2025 in Geneva, Switzerland. The theme of the conference will be: "The energies of magma: From volcanic eruptions and mineral resources to geothermal production and sustainability". 
Grant applications: 15 November
Abstract submission: 20 December
Early registration: 31 March 

More info

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