Yesterday at EGU General Assembly 2015, Wouter Peters (University of Wageningen and University of Groningen) received the EAG Eminent Speakers Award from Bernard Marty, EAG Vice-President. We also wish to thank all delegates who visited the EAG booth at EGU and particularly welcome our new members. If you are at EGU, find EAG at booth 54, Entrance Hall (we have just a few goodies left!).
The differentiation of our planet and formation of the continental crust, and its underlying mantle lithosphere, are in large part the result of magmatic processes at convergent margins. These magmatic processes are important to issues of societal interest such as the evolution of life, mineral and energy deposits, volcanic and fault hazards, and long-term climate change. Magmatism in oceanic and continental convergent arcs is not temporally or spatially steady-state, rather it occurs in pulses and lulls. The articles in the April 2015 issue of Elements explore the tempo of magmatism as recorded in the rock record, investigate the causes of high-volume events in subduction-related magmas, and provide an overview of recently developed models to explain episodic behavior in subduction magmatism.
EAG members will receive their print copy shortly and have online access to all issues of Elements (user id = email address, password = EAG membership number). To verify your postal address or your membership number, login to your member area.
We are happy to inform you that Cambridge University Press offers a 20% exclusive discount to EAG on geochemistry related books, valid until 16 June. Find out more.