Over 400 delegates participated in workshops before the Florence Goldschmidt, and there will be an opportunity to run workshops again immediately before Goldschmidt2014. If you would like run a workshop, please complete the application form available at Workshop Information and return it to the conference helpdesk before 1 December.
The Local Organising Committee proposes a wide range of possible field trips, of scientific or cultural interest and of various length. However, only at most 8 trips will be made available, therefore if you would like to take part in one of the trips, then please select the trip you would like to attend on the Field Trips page, before 1 December.
We are now able to report on the final numbers for Goldschmidt2013, which welcomed 4183 registrants including 25% of students. 4132 abstracts (available at goldschmidt.info) were submitted of which 4062 were presented at the conference, with 2095 oral and 1967 poster presentations.
The five most represented delegations came from the USA (743 delegates), Germany (456), UK (402), France (377) and Italy (250). This Goldschmidt edition presented 211 sessions distributed over 25 themes, as well as 14 workshops (attracting 538 delegates) and 7 field trips (attracting 136 delegates). Further details can be found in the conference report.
Goldschmidt2013 has thererefore broken all records and the EAG thanks the members of the organizing committee for their hard work, as well as all delegates who attended, and hopes to welcome you again at future Goldschmidt conferences.