The latest issue of Geochemical Perspectives, Noble Gas Constraints on the Origin and Evolution of Earth’s Volatiles, was written by Manuel Moreira (Professor of Geochemistry at University of Paris-Diderot and the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris). This issue explores the development of noble gas geochemistry and how these trace gases have played a key role in our understanding of the origin of Earth’s gas forming elements, geochemical reservoirs within the Earth’s mantle and mantle-atmosphere exchange over Earth history. The author recounts his own experience in the noble gas laboratory in Paris which has played a leading role in much of this work.
Between 18-28 June, Elements conducted an online survey shortly after releasing its 50th issue (The Mineral-Water Interface). In all, 527 responses were received. Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey and provided a wide variety of useful comments for the consideration of the editors and executive committee. Elements managing editor, Pierrette Tremblay, intends to provide a more in-depth report in a future issue of Elements, but for those who are curious, the Top 5 Favorite Issues selected in the survey were:
- Number 1: Zircon: Tiny but Timely (Feb. 2007)
- Number 2: Rare Earth Elements (Oct. 2012)
- Number 3: Granitic Pegmatites (Aug. 2012)
- Number 4: Supervolcanoes (Feb. 2008)
- Number 5: Early Earth (Aug. 2006)
These and all Elements issues are available to members through the online archive.