EAG Award Presentation at the Goldschmidt Conference

This page provides detailed logistical information about the presentation of EAG Awards at the Goldschmidt Conference.

Presentation in Plenaries

The announcement of the awards and presentation of the medals will take place early during the conference week, either on Monday or Tuesday at 11:45 in the Plenary Room (EAG Office to confirm the day and time), just before the plenary lecture.

  • The EAG President introduces the first medallist (usually, the Houtermans medallist).
  • The medallist is invited to come on stage to receive their medal.
  • The medallist returns to their seat.
  • The EAG President then continues with the Science Innovation Award medallist, then finishes with the Urey medallist.

Medallists should come to the front of the Plenary Room at 11:30, so that photos with the EAG President can be taken then.

Presentation, Citation, Response and Medal Lecture (in Session)

In the session selected by the medallist, a 45-minute slot is allocated for the introduction, citation, acceptance and medal lecture.

  • The EAG President briefly introduces the award and invites the medallist to come on stage to receive their award certificate.
  • Photos are taken. The medallist returns to their seat.
  • The EAG President invites the citationist to come on stage.
  • The citationist has 3-5 minutes for the citation.
  • The medallist then has 3-5 minutes to give their response / acceptance speech.
  • The medallist continues into their 30-minute lecture including a few minutes for Q&A.

The medallist and citationist are expected to come to the front of the room at the latest 15 minutes before the start of the slot.

Slides: should the medallist and/or the citationist wish to use slides during the citation and response, please send them the week before the conference to the EAG Office (a reminder will be sent).

Publication of the citation and response: those are usually published on the EAG website (following the conference, the EAG Office will email the medallists and citationists to collect the files). If the citation and response are recorded, a link to the recording may be posted on the EAG website.