Awards & Special Lectures

The European Association of Geochemistry, through its awards, fellowships and special lectures, seeks to recognize outstanding contributions to geochemistry. The honors bestowed on our awardees recognize exceptional contributions at different career stages (see the criteria for individual awards below). We are committed to promoting the diversity of our awardees, to recognizing a wide range of different types of exceptional contribution, and we acknowledge the different career paths that lead to the achievement of such contributions.

2024 Medallists

2024 H.C. Urey Award

Janne Blichert-Toft

Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon & CNRS, France

Janne Blichert-Toft is a leading light in the study of planetary mantles and crustal evolution on Earth and other Solar System bodies (e.g. Mars). She has helped pioneer bold new applications of isotope geochemistry (principally to the study of Hafnium, but also of Lead) with specialization also in the highly siderophile elements, to name but a few lines of inquiry in her exceptional bibliography. Moreover, her work has helped to steer radiogenic isotope geochemistry more broadly towards quantitative applied chemical geodynamics. Janne is an unwavering supporter of the field of geochemistry in Europe and throughout the world, as exemplified by her generous devotion to supervising students and postdoctoral scholars, dutiful service to professional organizations, and leadership on journal editorial boards.
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2024 Science Innovation Award

Evelyn Füri

Centre de Recherches Pétrographiques et Géochimiques (CNRS-UL), France

During the last few years, Evelyn Füri has accumulated an impressive record of very original results on the origin of volatile elements (mainly N, H and noble gases) in lunar rocks, Martian samples, cometary materials from the Stardust mission, differentiated meteorites and asteroid returned samples. These results were achieved by combining laser assisted noble gas mass spectrometry and high mass-resolution secondary ion mass spectrometry to resolve the distribution of the isotopes of H, N and rare gases at microscale in these extra-terrestrial samples.
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The 2024 EAG Science Innovation Award is named in honor of Samuel Epstein honoring his work in isotope geochemistry.

2024 F.G. Houtermans Award

Feifei Zhang

Nanjing University, China

Feifei Zhang is recognized for his important contributions to analysis of biosphere-environment co-evolution based on non-traditional isotopes (Fe, U, Li, Ca, Ba, Tl) combined with numerical modeling. His doctoral research helped to establish the carbonate U-isotope proxy as a global-ocean redox indicator, opening new avenues of research in paleoceanographic studies. His more recent work has focused on development of isotopic proxies for continental weathering, marine productivity, and ocean acidification.
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EAG Awards

  • H.C. Urey Award: the society’s highest honor, recognizes outstanding contributions advancing geochemistry over a career. The award is based on scientific excellence as well as the broader impacts candidates have made in their careers to date.
  • Science Innovation Award: recognizes mid-career scientists who have recently made an important and innovative breakthrough in geochemistry.
  • F.G. Houtermans Award: recognizes exceptional contributions to geochemistry by an early career scientist.
  • Distinguished Service Award: recognizes outstanding service made to the geochemical community, exceeding the expectations of normal service. Nominations are made by the EAG Council.

Joint EAG-GS Awards and Special Lectures

The following are jointly presented by the EAG and the Geochemical Society:

  • Geochemistry Fellows: honors outstanding scientists who have made major contributions to the field of geochemistry. The award is based on scientific excellence as well as the broader impacts candidates have made in their careers to date.
  • P. Gast Lectureship: recognizes  to a mid-career scientist for outstanding contributions to geochemistry. Nominations are made by the EAG Council and GS Board.
  • R. Berner Lecture: recognizes a mid-career scientist on a topic associated with elemental cycling at the Earth’s surface.