EAG Statutes

Consult the Statutes of the association

Article 1: Constitution and name of the association

An association named “European Association of Geochemistry” (EAG) is hereby formed. This association is registered in France governed by the French law of the 1st July 1901 and the decree of 16 August 2001. The European Association of Geochemistry is a non-profit organization.


Article 2: Objective of the association

The objective of the association is the advancement of geochemistry in Europe and in the world.


Article 3: Headquarters

The EAG’s headquarters are located at the Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans in Aubière:
European Association of Geochemistry
Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans
Campus Universitaire des Cézeaux
6 Avenue Blaise Pascal
63170 Aubière


Article 4: Duration of the association

The duration of the association is unlimited.


Article 5: Composition

The association is composed of :
a) Honorary members
b) Active members


Article 6: Membership

Membership of the association is open to all, upon approval of the Council.


Article 7: Membership fee

Honorary members are persons who are recognized for their special service to the association. Honorary members shall not be required to pay any membership fee.
Active members are persons who subscribe to the objective of the association and pay the appropriate membership fee.


Article 8: Termination of membership

Membership of the association terminates on resignation or death of a member, or failure to pay the annual membership fee, or exclusion by the decision of the Council.


Article 9: Financial resources

The financial resources of the association include:
a) Membership dues
b) Subsidies from the state, regions, or cities, as well as any income authorized by the law.


Article 10: Council

Overall management of the association shall rest in the hands of a Council, elected by the General Assembly. A third of the Council is renewed every year.
The Council elects the Officers, comprising of a President, a Vice-President, a General Secretary and a Treasurer.

The President and all the members of the council are volunteers who do not receive any remuneration, nor do they have any direct or indirect financial interest in the economic results of the association.

In case of vacancy of one of its members, the Council provides a provisional replacement. The Council proceeds to their definitive replacement at the next General Assembly. The powers of the members so elected shall terminate when the term of office of the replaced members should normally expire.


Article 11: Council Meetings

The Council meets at least once a year, upon invitation of the President, or at the request of a quarter of its members.
Decisions are taken by majority; in the event of a tie, the President has the casting vote.
Any member of the Council who, without excuse, has not attended three consecutive meetings, may be considered as having resigned.


Article 12: General Assembly

The Ordinary General Assembly includes all members of the association. The Ordinary General Assembly meets every year.
At least fifteen days before the date fixed, the members of the association shall be convened by the Secretary. The agenda is indicated on the summons.

The President, assisted by the members of the Council, presides over the meeting and outlines the situation of the association.
The financial situation of the association is also reported and submitted for the approval of the meeting.
Once all agenda items have been dealt with, voting for the replacement of the outgoing Council members is carried out by secret ballot (voting can also be organized electronically).
Only the items on the agenda shall be dealt with at the General Assembly.


Article 13: Extraordinary General Assembly

If necessary, or at the request of more than half of the registered members, the President may convene an Extraordinary General Assembly, in accordance with the formalities provided for in Article 12.


Article 14: By Laws

By-laws may be established by the Council. By-laws are intended to fix the various points not provided for by the statutes, particularly those relating to the internal administration of the association.


Article 15: Dissolution of the association

In the event of dissolution by at least two-thirds of the members present at the General Meeting, one or more liquidators shall be appointed by it, and the net assets, if any, shall vest in accordance with the Article 9 of the law of 1 July 1901 and the decree of 16 August 1901.

Revised Statutes approved by the General Assembly on 20 August 2019 and registered on 15 October 2019 wit the Prefecture du Puy-de-Dôme. The official Statutes of the association are written in French and this is an unofficial translation.

EAG By-Laws