EAG Personnel Archives for 2017

EAG Council 2017

Position/Term Name Affiliation
01/2017 – 12/2018
Bernard Marty CRPG Nancy, France
01/2017 – 12/2018
Sigurður Reynir Gíslason University of Iceland, Iceland
01/2017 – 12/2018
Liane G. Benning German Research Center for Geosciences GFZ, Germany
University of Leeds, UK
01/2015 – 12/2017
Karim Benzerara University Pierre et Marie Curie, France
01/2017 – 12/2017
Estelle Rose-Koga Université Clermont Auvergne, France
01/2016 – 12/2018
Andreas Kappler University of Tübingen, Germany
Goldschmidt Officer
01/2015 – 12/2018
Antje Boetius CHGF-MPG Group for Deep Sea Ecology and Technology,
Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar,
Marine Research and Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Germany
Goldschmidt Officer
01/2017 – 12/2020
Helen Williams University of Cambridge, UK
01/2017 – 12/2019
Rizlan Bernier-Latmani EPFL, Switzerland
01/2017 – 12/2019
Klaus Mezger University of Bern, Switzerland
01/2017 – 12/2019
Carsten Münker University of Cologne, Germany
01/2017 – 12/2019
Emily Pope Natural History Museum of Denmark, Denmark
01/2016 – 12/2018
Don Canfield University of Southern Denmark
01/2016 – 12/2018
Kirsten Küsel Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
01/2015 – 12/2017
Vinciane Debaille University of Brussels, Belgium
Early Career Councillor
01/2015 – 12/2017
Stefanie Lutz German Research Center for Geosciences GFZ, Germany
01/2015 – 12/2017
Andreas Pack University of Göttingen, Germany
01/2015 – 12/2017
Dominik Weiss Imperial College London, UK
01/2014 – 12/2017
Janne Blichert-Toft ENS Lyon, France

Nominations Committee 2017

Name Affiliation
Chair: Janne Blichert-Toft
Term: 01/2015 – 12/2017
ENS Lyon, France
Sigurður Reynir Gíslason
Term: 01/2015 – 12/2017
University of Iceland
Dominik Weiss
Term: 01/2015 – 12/2017
Imperial College London, UK
Don Canfield
Term: 01/2016 – 12/2018
University of Southern Denmark
Andreas Kappler
Term: 01/2016 – 12/2018
University of Tübingen, Germany
Helen Williams
Term: 01/2016 – 12/2018
University of Cambridge, UK
Klaus Mezger
Term: 01/2017 – 12/2019
University of Bern, Switzerland
Carsten Münker
Term: 01/2017 – 12/2019
University of Cologne, Germany

Training & Outreach Committee 2017

Name Affiliation
Name Institution
Chair: Steffi Lutz
Term: 01/2015 – 12/2017
German Research Center for Geosciences GFZ, Germany
Andreas Pack
Term: 01/2015 – 12/2017
University of Göttingen, Germany
Kirsten Küsel
Term: 01/2016 – 12/2018
Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
Dominik Weiss
Term: 01/2016 – 12/2018
Imperial College London, UK
Adrien Mestrot
Term: 01/2017 – 12/2019
University of Bern, Switzerland
Sami Mikhail
Term: 01/2017 – 12/2019
University of St Andrews, UK
Emily Pope
Term: 01/2017 – 12/2019
Natural History Museum of Denmark, Denmark

Communications Committee 2017

Name Affiliation
Chair: Vinciane Debaille
Term: 01/2015 – 12/2017
University of Brussels, Belgium
Maria Schönbächler
Term: 01/2016 – 12/2018
ETH Zürich, Switzerland
James Bradley
Term: 01/2017 – 12/2019
University of Southern California, USA
Mário Gonçalves
Term: 01/2017 – 12/2019
University of Lisbon, Portugal
Steffi Lutz
Term: 01/2017 – 12/2017
German Research Center for Geosciences GFZ, Germany
Juan Diego Rodriguez Blanco
EAG Blog & Social Media
Term: 01/2011 –
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Dan Frost
Elements Executive Committee
Term: 01/2013 –
University of Bayreuth, Germany

Publications Committee 2017

Name Affiliation
Chair: Liane G. Benning
Term: 01/2012 – 12/2018
German Research Center for Geosciences GFZ, Germany
University of Leeds, UK
Susan L. S. Stipp
Term: 01/2012 – 12/2017
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Tim Elliott
Term: 01/2012 – 12/2019
University of Bristol, UK
Janne Blichert-Toft
Term: 01/2014 – 12/2020
ENS Lyon, France
Don Canfield
Term: 01/2016 – 12/2021
University of Southern Denmark

Urey Award Committee 2017

Name Affiliation
Chair: Bernard Marty
Term: 07/2015 – 06/2017
CRPG Nancy, France
Bernardo Cesare
Term: 07/2014 – 06/2017
University of Padova, Italy
Janne Blichert-Toft
Term: 07/2015 – 06/2018
ENS Lyon, France
Yuji Sano
Term: 07/2015 – 06/2018
University of Tokyo, Japan
Tina Treude
Term: 07/2016 – 06/2019
University of California Los Angeles, USA
Harold C. Connolly Jr.
Term: 07/2016 – 06/2019
Rowan University, USA

Science Innovation Award Committee 2017

Name Affiliation
Chair: Don Canfield
Term: 07/2016 – 06/2017
University of Southern Denmark
James Farquhar
Term: 07/2016 – 06/2017
University of Maryland, USA
Kate Freeman
Term: 07/2016 – 06/2017
PennState, USA
Jack Middelburg
Term: 07/2016 – 06/2017
University of Utrecht, Netherlands
Philippe Van Cappellen
Term: 07/2016 – 06/2017
University of Waterloo, Canada

Houtermans Award Committee 2017

Name Affiliation
Chair: Liane G. Benning
Term: 07/2015 – 06/2017
GFZ Potsdam, Germany
University of Leeds, UK
Simon Poulton
Term: 07/2013 – 06/2017
University of Leeds, UK
Alexandre M. Anesio
Term: 07/2014 – 06/2017
University of Bristol, UK
Hope Jahren
Term: 07/2014 – 06/2017
University of Oslo, Norway
Nicolas Dauphas
Term: 07/2015 – 06/2018
University of Chicago, USA
Liping Qin
Term: 07/2015 – 06/2018
University of Science and Technology of China

Geochemistry Fellows Award Nominations Committee 2017

Name Affiliation
Chair: Dominik Weiss
Term: 01/2017 – 12/2019
Imperial College London, UK
Don Canfield
Term: 01/2017 – 12/2019
University of Southern Denmark
Bernard Marty
Term: 01/2017 – 12/2019
CRPG Nancy, France
Helen Williams
Term: 01/2017 – 12/2019
University of Cambridge, UK

Geochemistry Fellows Award Committee 2017

Name Affiliation
Chair: Dan Frost
Term: 07/2013 – 06/2017
University of Bayreuth, Germany
Cristina Facchini
Term: 07/2014 – 06/2017
University of Bologna, Italy
Hilairy Hartnett
Term: 07/2014 – 06/2017
Arizona State University, USA
Hai Cheng
Term: 07/2015 – 06/2018
Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
University of Minnesota, USA
Penny King
Term: 07/2016 – 06/2019
Australian National University, Australia
Naohiro Yoshida
Term: 07/2016 – 06/2019
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Liane G. Benning
EAG President
GFZ Potsdam, Germany
University of Leeds, UK
Laurie Reisberg
GS President
CRPG Nancy, France

Goldschmidt2017 Committees

Goldschmidt2017 Organising Committee

Name Affiliation
Chair: Antje Boetius
Principal Convenor and Organising & Science Committee Chair
CHGF-MPG Group for Deep Sea Ecology and Technology,
Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar,
Marine Research and Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Germany
Bernard Marty
Co-Convenor and EAG Vice-President
CRPG Nancy, France
Marc Chaussidon
Chairman of Local Organising Committee
Science Committee
IPGP, France
Liane G. Benning
EAG President
GFZ Potsdam, Germany
University of Leeds, UK
Adina Paytan and Verena Carvalho
Student & Mentoring Program Leaders
University of California, Santa Cruz, USA and Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Germany
Karim Benzerara
EAG Treasurer
University Pierre et Marie Curie, France
Marie-Aude Hulshoff
EAG Business Office Manager
EAG Office, Netherlands
Eduardo Ammannati
Student Volunteer Coordinator
Università degli Studi di Firenze
Jacquie Storey
Conference Manager
White Iron Conferences, Conference Organizing Company

Goldschmidt2017 Science Committee

Name Affiliation
Chair: Antje Boetius
Principal Convenor and Organising & Science Committee Chair
CHGF-MPG Group for Deep Sea Ecology and Technology,
Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar,
Marine Research and Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Germany
Marc Chaussidon
Science Committee
IPGP, France
Donald Dingwell
Science Committee
Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich, Germany
Gavin Foster
Science Committee
University of Southampton, UK
Karen Hudson Edwards
Science Committee
Birkbeck, University of London, UK
Kurt Konhauser
Science Committee
University of Alberta, Canada
Jack Middelburg
Science Committee
University of Utrecht, Netherlands
Laura Villanueva
Science Committee
NIOZ, Netherlands
Olivier Vidal
Science Committee
CNRS Grenoble, France

Goldschmidt2017 Local Organising Committee

Name Affiliation
Chair: Marc Chaussidon IPG Paris, France
Giovanni Aloisi LOCEAN UPMC Paris
Pierre Barré ENS Paris
Marc Benedetti IPG Paris
Julien Bouchez IPG Paris
Vincent Busigny IPG Paris
Cécile Gautheron GEOPS Orsay
Christa Göpel IPG Paris
Amaelle Landais LSCE Gif sur Yvette
Jennyfer Miot MNHN-IMPMC Paris
Emmelyne Mitard IPG Paris
Sandrine Péron IPG Paris
Mathieu Roskosz MNHN-IMPMC Paris
Aurélie Verney-Carron LISA Créteil