EAG structure

The EAG is run by a Council made of seven officer-councillors and nine to eleven councillors.
The officer-councillors include the President, Vice-President, Past-President, Treasurer, Secretary and two Goldschmidt Officers.
The Council is chaired by the President. The Presidential cycle is of six years: two as Vice-President, two as President and two as Past-President.

The EAG also counts ten committees (two of which are shared with the Geochemical Society). Each Committee Chair is a member of the EAG Council.

The society’s operations are carried out by the EAG Business Office.

Council Elections

Councillors are directly elected by the EAG members and serve for three years. Officer Councillors are elected by the council members and serve for various terms (see EAG Council).
Online Council Elections were initiated in 2011 and take place every year around end of October. Results and slates of candidates of past elections are available at the Council Elections page.

Personnel Archive

The Personnel Archive lists the scientists who served the council and committees in the past. We would like to thank them for their time and dedication; each one has contributed to growth of the society.

By-laws and statutes

The EAG is registered as a 1901 non-profit organization in France.

Consult the EAG Statutes or EAG By-Laws.

Learn more about the EAG, its initiatives and finances in the 2018 Report to our Members.