Outreach & Programs

Over the past few years, the EAG has developed three key programs aimed at developing activities and opportunities for students and researchers in geochemistry throughout the world, especially those in under-represented regions.

EAG Distinguished Lecture Program

The Distinguished Lecture Program, launched in 2011, aims to introduce and motivate scientists and students to emerging research areas in geochemistry. The program currently focuses on Eastern and Central Europe.

EAG-GS Outreach Program

The EAG-GS Outreach Program was initiated in 2013 in partnership with the Geochemical Society. The initiative, which has the directive of developing outreach activities in under-represented regions, has focused on Africa since 2013 and will be developed in other locations.

EAG Short Course and Conference Sponsorship Program

The EAG Short Course and Conference Sponsorship Program is open to EAG members who are organizing a short course or small conference in Europe focused on special topics or techniques from the broad field of geochemistry. The program provides up to 200€ per student to support student attendance at the event.