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April 2020

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GS and EAG announce virtual Goldschmidt Conference

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the GS and EAG have determined that the 2020 Goldschmidt Conference cannot be held as scheduled in Honolulu. Instead, Goldschmidt will become a virtual meeting this year. 

The conference will be held entirely online to keep vital science communication flowing even while travel is restricted. In the coming days, we will be announcing more details about the conference schedule, registration, early career events, and more.

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Society News

Changes to the Geochemical Perspectives Letters editorial board

The Geochemical Perspectives Letters editorial board are very pleased to welcome Anat Shahar (Carnegie Institution for Science) and Gavin Foster (University of Southampton) to the team.

Anat Shahar's research focuses on understanding how stable isotopes can inform our understanding of the processes occurring and conditions present from the early solar system through planetary formation, differentiation, and evolution. Gavin Foster is an isotope geochemist and in his research uses boron and other elements to reconstruct past climates so as to better understand our future.

The board would also like to take this opportunity to thank departing editors, Ariel Anbar and Wendy Mao, for their hard work and their immense contributions to the success of the journal.

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editorial board

The EAG endorses the Attarik Foundation

The EAG is proud to announce its endorsement of the Attarik Foundation for Meteoritics and Planetary Science.

The Attarik Foundation, an autonomous and non-profit association, aims at promoting the science of meteorites, planets and astronomy among researchers from public or private institutions, students, teachers, high school students, public authorities and the general public, in particular in the Arab world and African continent countries.

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Comic Relief

Geochemistry Jokes

Because all geochemists need a bit of comic relief from time to time!

How do chemists know how much guacamole to make?
They use Avacado’s number!

Thanks to Paul Savage for this month's joke!
Send your geochemistry jokes to and we'll post our favourites in upcoming newsletters!

EAG Blogosphere

 Lab Corner: DIY for the field

Last month in 'Lab Corner', we featured some tips and tricks for repurposing everyday items for geochemistry. In this next contribution, microbiologists from the University of Oklahoma put together an ingenious gadget for homogenizing biological samples, and a glaciologist from Cardiff University repurposes a climbing frame for fieldwork in Greenland.

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Sun, sand and speed dating in Belgium – ChemCYS 2020

[By Camille Gaulier] Welcome to Blankenberge! A famous Belgian seaside resort by the North Sea, meeting place of families and old people in summer, and of young chemists in wintertime for the renowned ChemCYS Conference. The 15th edition of the CHEMistry Conference for Young Scientists 2020 (ChemCYS 2020) took place this February in the gigantic Floréal...

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Important Dates and Deadlines

Goldschmidt2020 and EAG deadlines

5 June: Goldschmidt Virtual 2020 registration deadline for presenting authors 
1 September: EAG Student Sponsorship application deadline
1 October: EAG Early Career Science Ambassador application deadline

View Goldschmidt deadlines

Other geochemistry related event deadlines

20 April: 12th International Symposium Geochemistry of the Earth’s Surface (GES12)organised by EAG partner society, EAG members benefit from member rate - abstract deadline (extended)
18 May: 90th Congress of the Italian Geological Societyabstract deadline

View all events

New in Geochemical Perspectives Letters

Mantle cooling causes more reducing volcanic gases and gradual reduction of the atmosphere

The early atmosphere contained negligible O2 until the Great Oxidation Event (GOE) around 2.4 Ga, but evidence suggests that production of photosynthetic O2 began hundreds of millions of years earlier. Thus, an ongoing debate...

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Concentration of meteoritic free organic matter by fluid transport and adsorption   

Carbonaceous chondrites contain many abiotic organic compounds, some of which are found in life on Earth. Both the mineral and organic matter phases, of these meteorites, have been affected by aqueous alteration processes. Whilst...

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Sulfur loss from subducted altered oceanic crust and implications for mantle oxidation

Oxygen fugacity (fO2) is a controlling factor of the physics of Earth’s mantle; however, the mechanisms driving spatial and secular changes in fO2 associated with convergent margins are highly debated. We present new thermodynamic...

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Forty-year pollution history of microplastics in the largest marginal sea of the western Pacific

Marine sediments have been considered to be a major sink for microplastics, yet the pollution history of microplastics recorded in these sediments remains poorly understood. Using a combination of 210Pb chronology and...

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Geochemistry Making the News

Volcanic activity helped trigger Triassic climate change, study says

[The Guardian] Volcanic eruptions played an important and direct role in triggering the extreme climate that killed off swathes of life at the end of the Triassic period 201m years ago, researchers have found. Experts say they have discovered bubbles of carbon dioxide trapped in volcanic rocks…

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No star, no problem: Radioactivity could make otherwise frozen planets habitable

[Science Magazine] Not too close, but not too far. That’s long been the rule describing how distant a planet should be from its star in order to sustain life. But a new study challenges that adage: A planet can maintain water and other liquids on its surface if it’s heated, not by starlight, but by...

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The right dose of geoengineering could reduce climate change risks

[Science Daily] Stratospheric aerosol geoengineering is the idea that adding a layer of aerosol particles to the upper atmosphere can reduce climate changes caused by greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. Previous research shows that solar geoengineering could be achieved using...

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Forty years of ice-core records of CO2

[Nature] In the ancient ice sheets near Earth’s poles, tiny bubbles trapped in the compacted layers of snowfall provide a natural archive of air from ages past, but one that is not straightforward to read. Forty years ago, the glaciologist Robert Delmas and colleagues developed a technique for...

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Scientists identify rain of molten iron on distant exoplanet

[The Guardian] Wasp-76b is what astronomers call an exoplanet, one that orbits a star outside our solar system. Scientists have discovered that the local weather conditions include 2,400C temperatures, winds in excess of 10,000mph and a steady pelting of iron rain. The observations of...

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Mercury's 400 C heat may help it make its own ice

[] It is already hard to believe that there is ice on Mercury, where daytime temperatures reach 400 degrees Celsius, or 750 degrees Fahrenheit. Now an upcoming study says that the Vulcan heat on the planet closest to the sun likely helps make some of that ice. As with Earth,...

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30 years of the iron hypothesis of ice ages

[Nature] Thirty years ago this month, John Martin proposed a solution to one of the biggest mysteries of Earth’s climate system: how was nearly one-third of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (about 200 gigatonnes of carbon) drawn into the ocean as the planet entered the most recent ice age,...

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Job Opportunities

Internships, MSc and PhD positions

PositionEmployerApplication deadline
Type: BSc/MSc
MSc positions in Mineral Resources
University of St Andrews, United Kingdom
01 Jul
Type: BSc/MSc
Geochemistry (MSc)
University of St Andrews, United Kingdom
01 Jul
Type: PhD Position
Lamont Assistant Research Professor
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, United States
until the position is filled
Type: PhD Position
Rhizosphere modeling
Biogeophysics, Institute of Soil Science and Land Evaluation, University of Hohenheim, Germany
until the position is filled
Type: PhD Position
Role of soil bacteria in access to nutrients by vegetation: isotopic approach
University of Strasbourg/LHyGeS, France
15 Apr
Type: PhD Position
Understanding Hydrate Formation in Porous Rock for Enhanced Geothermal Systems Applications
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom
05 May or until position is filled
Type: PhD Position
PhD position in Glacial Biogeochemistry
CryoEco, Department of Ecology, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
20 Apr or until position is filled
Type: PhD Position
PhD position in microbial adaptations and dynamics in cryo-environments
Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Germany
17 Apr or until position is filled
Type: PhD Position
Cycles of phosphorus and uranium under dysoxic (oxygen-depleted) conditions in past and present environments.
Laboratoire Géosciences Environnement Toulouse, Toulouse, France
05 Jun

PostDoctoral positions and Fellowships

PositionEmployerApplication deadline
Type: Research Associate
Post Doctoral Fellowship, Isotope Biogeochemistry
Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, France
15 Mar or until position is filled
Type: Research Associate
Life in Archean coastal environments: Geobiology, Paleobiology, Astrobiology
Early Life traces and Evolution-Astrobiology laboratory, University of Liège, Belgium
15 Mar or until position is filled
Type: Research Associate
Two Postdoctoral Positions in Crust-Magma Evolution - Zircon melt inclusions, SIMS
Dept. of Geoscience, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United States
15 Mar or until position is filled
Type: Research Associate
3-year PDRA in Arctic soil biogeochemical modelling
Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom
20 Mar or until position is filled
Type: Research Associate
Postdoc position in Soil Environmental Geochemistry
Soil Chemistry Group, Institute of Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
31 Mar or until position is filled

Faculty, Technical and other positions

PositionEmployerApplication deadline
Type: Other
Assistant Professor in Earth Surface Processes
University of California, Merced, United States
30 Jun
Type: Other
Faculty Position at Yachay Tech University, Ecuador: Physical Volcanology
Yachay Tech, Ecuador
15 Feb or until position is filled
Type: Other
Faculty Position at Yachay Tech University, Ecuador: Dean of the School of Earth Sciences, Energy and Environment
Yachay Tech, Ecuador
15 Feb or until position is filled
Type: Other
Tier I Canada Research Chair in Metallogeny
Laurentian University - Harquail School of Earth Sciences, Canada
until the position is filled
Type: Other
Technician - Palaeoceanographic reconstructions of Pacific Ocean oxygenation
Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom
14 Apr
Type: Other
Senior Technician - Deep Sea Research Equipment
Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom
14 Apr
View job page

EAG Partners

New date for the 82nd EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition

In view of the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, EAGE is announcing the postponement of the 82nd EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition (Amsterdam, Netherlands;  8-11 June 2020). The event will now be held at the same venue (Rai Exhibition Centre, Amsterdam) in the week of 6 December 2020.

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IAGC Working Groups: Geochemistry of the Earth’s Surface symposium (GES12)

The next symposium of the Geochemistry of the Earth’s Surface (GES12) will be held in Zurich, Switzerland; 16-21 August 2020. GES12 has a strong focus on interactions of the Earth’s spheres: the hydrosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere and biosphere, and how these interactions respond to changing environmental and climate conditions. Update: abstract deadline extended to 20 April 2020.

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3rd Mineralogical Conference EMC2020: Mineralogy in the modern world

The 3rd Mineralogical Conference EMC2020 (Cracow, Poland, 6-10 September 2020) will focus on current and future challenges in the Earth, planetary and environmental sciences, and fostering an exchange of new views and research results between scientists from Europe and beyond. 
Update: registration paused until
 1 May 2020.

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90th Congress of the Italian Geological Society: "Geology without Borders"

The 90th Congress of the Italian Geological Society, "Geology without Borders", will take place in Trieste, Italy; 16-18 September 2020. The event intends to promote the Earth Sciences as a scientific discipline projected into the future, beyond geographical, political and disciplinary boundaries. Abstract deadline: 18 May 2020.

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